Careers in Biomedicine       Fighting Disease

  "Today I think we all know that science and biomedical research is exploding - in knowledge and in the impact of that knowledge on everybody’s lives.  And therefore it not only is a field where you feel like you’re doing something that’s contributing, but it’s also a field that is growing - and that the resources, the financial and career opportunities in science, in biomedical research are substantial."
Research scientists talk about careers in biomedicine:

"With science, you can go into the laboratory and make discoveries that can really change peoples’ lives.  So science really is a place that one can use all of one’s mental abilities and sometimes physical abilities to create."

"It’s a lot of fun.  It’s never a dull moment,  We always have to be attentive to the latest news, to the latest scientific findings, to the latest opportunities to put together some new testing method."

"A career in health sciences, a career in research, is a career that allows you to travel all over the world and make a difference in improving the lifestyles of people.  It is a very rewarding career."


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